Wednesday, March 14, 2012

These are not clouds, but unsung melodies, waiting for somebody to understand their silence.

To me, pride is a silent understanding of your needs. A recognition of the strength you possess and the vulnerability that has brought you the strength you have. Our power comes from harnessing that which has power over us and guiding it, rather than trying to control it. Pride is having the strength to recognize your frailties, the strength to live simply and know that what you have is what you need. Pride is humility.

The sacred geometry of the salvage.

I like to use what's at hand. To harness the power of the materials and let them speak through me. All the materials in this mandala were either found in the dumpster or rescued on their way there. I like the idea of turning urban refuse into something to cherish. It's a way for me to find light in the excesses of the society we live in today.