Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Charlie and I went backpacking through Pt. Reyes last weekend. I found inspiration in the way the wind blew through the pines and in the shelter we found among the ferns. The ripples were everywhere. Shaping and shaped by the mountains and the sea. It was slow and meditative and perfect. The spirit of the pampa was with us the whole way. On the last leg of the journey we sat down by a marsh filled with dry reeds and somehow ended up making pan flutes. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Urban Redwood Salvage

This table is made out of redwood branches I found in the dumpster. The dumpster?!? 

Sacred Shavings

These are the first sacred shavings from my chisel. Photo by Charlie.

Carving away my sorrows

I've spent countless hours sharpening this chisel. Sharpened till I bled, sharpened until my knuckles buckled, sharpened sharpened sharpened. It's very important to bond with your tools.


Painting is unexplored territory for me, I'm used to carving wood and bending metal. It's a slow process, inspired by the ripples of the wood and the curvature of the sound waves.

There's no conventions for the words.

I thought the paint splotches looked like galaxies forming inside the head of this old man. I like to explore infinitely inward, as well as outward and sideways. This one kind of painted itself, I just brought the materials together. 

This mountain embodies song.

I found this burl of wood to be very inspiring. I like to imagine the seed it came from and the sunlight that helped it grow. The life it once had, and the new light it will bring to me.